Sunday, September 25, 2011

Zucchini fritters


4 cups of seeded then grated zucchini
4 Tbsp quinoa flour
1/4 tsp ground sea salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp granulated garlic
1 large egg (beaten)

Step 1. Remove the stem and flower end and plit the zucchini (or yellow squash) lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Discard the seeds to your compost.  Grate the remaining zucchini flesh.

Step 2. Place grated zucchini on a clean kitchen cloth towel. Wrap up into a bundle and over a sink or bowl, squeeze with all your effort to remove as much water as possible.

Step 3. Preheat a griddle, skillet or flattop to medium high and lightly coat with extra virgin olive oil.

Step 4. In a medium mixing bowl whip the egg until frothy, add the pepper, salt, and garlic. Stir to combine. Add in the zucchini and mix then add the quinoa flour and stir until everything is well combined and coated evenly. It produces a sticky mixture at this point.

Step 5. Form into a ball slightly larger then a golf ball, and gently flatten in your hand and place on the preheated griddle. Cook until golden brown and then flip and repeat until GB&D on both sides. That's Golden Brown and Delicious in Alton Brown Speak! They are ready to serve!

Tonights were served with ham steak, garlicy sauteed spinach and atop the zucchini fritters I used a little Tico papaya curry hot sauce!

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