Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept. 2nd

Lunch today was a blend of last nights dinner and yesterdays lunch. Took a Morningstar Farms chipolte black bean burger and grilled it. Topped it with some of last nights tomatoe, pepper & onion chutney and then a slice of asiago cheese and baby spinach, all on a sandwich thin by Arnolds.

Added an apple from our orchard that I picked yesterday while out mowing the lawn. Years ago, our cocker spaniel we had at the time found out about the apple tree and these sorta crab apples that grew on it. He would wait for the apples to grow so he could eat them. Since then we transplanted the tree and every year, I have some apples from it. This was the first of this years crop.

Dinner was like last nights (see previous entries) dinner, with the addition of a bed of baby spinach for the fritters to go on.

Now onto some exciting news!  Thanks to some of my food blogging (as it is) and picture taking of said food, I won a trip from Buitoni Pasta to the Food Network NYC Food & Wine Festival ! How cool is that!

So my day has been a bit crazy. I did get to the farmers market and picked up some fresh corn and other fruit and veggies that we didn't have in our garden this year. I still need to get a workout in. Think I will go do that now!

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