Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31st.

Chaotic day. Ended up having brunch using my leftover eggplant parmesan from the night before. After I got on the road to Buffalo, I realized I left my wrist band at home. I use this wrist band I got from a TLS training I attended. On it it says "I will be a success story". I try and wear it whenever I head to town or anywhere I might be tempted by food, especially junk food. I am now wrapping it around my wallet so I will not forget it again. Had a protien bar for a snack later on. While running errands, and not finding what I needed to I was at the Wegmans on Sheridan and thats when my stomach started really growling as it was around 7:30. So I got some channa masala (chickpeas in a spicy tomato sauce), two pieces of curried chicken, green beans and roasted vegetables for dinner. Got home after 9pm and then went and had a 40 minute workout.

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