Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About my weight loss journey and getting healthier

I am setting up this blog as a journal for not only my benefit but for anyone else also interested in weight loss. This is going to be a personal journey as I go forward toward my goal. With that in mind, part of the Transitions Lifestyle system is journaling on a daily basis. In the past I have lost considerable weight, the one thing I did not do on a consistant basis was journal. I think had I kept a journal all along, I may have stuck at it more consistantly. I can not make excuses for my decisions, nor rationalize. It happened, and is in the past, which is neither now or the future. So from this moment on, I can move forward.
So, this blog will be my personal journal. I encourage interaction, questions, prodding, nudging from others to keep me pointed in the right direction. By making myself accountable to those who like this page, I feel it will help keep me on focus.
So, what will you see on this page:
You will see daily posts from me on how my day is going. That will mean on what I am eating, exercising, supplementing as per the guidelines laid out in the Transitions systems.
Progress reports on how my results are proceeding. While I won't be doing my weight everyday, I do plan on checking once a week and posting the weight lost. At a couple of intervals I will also be posting the loss of inches and percent loss of bodyfat.
I also plan on doing a video journal as well as pictures.
And since I would like this page to inspire & encourage others to loose weight, I will discuss what I see as pros and cons if any. Describing what I am doing and how I think it is working.
I really hope to see feedback from all my friends who have selected Like for this page. Feel free to speak up. What I would prefer not to see are people saying "try this (Ornish, Atkins, Weight Watchers etc.) diet". I am using the Transitions lifestyle plan and I plan on sticking to it. However, if people want to discuss differences, pro's and con's of each, that will be fine.
Thank you all for your support.
--Jim M.

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