Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How bad?

Success comes in many shapes and forms. I will be successful with my weight loss!

How bad do you want it?

"When you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful!"

August 31st.

Chaotic day. Ended up having brunch using my leftover eggplant parmesan from the night before. After I got on the road to Buffalo, I realized I left my wrist band at home. I use this wrist band I got from a TLS training I attended. On it it says "I will be a success story". I try and wear it whenever I head to town or anywhere I might be tempted by food, especially junk food. I am now wrapping it around my wallet so I will not forget it again. Had a protien bar for a snack later on. While running errands, and not finding what I needed to I was at the Wegmans on Sheridan and thats when my stomach started really growling as it was around 7:30. So I got some channa masala (chickpeas in a spicy tomato sauce), two pieces of curried chicken, green beans and roasted vegetables for dinner. Got home after 9pm and then went and had a 40 minute workout.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where I have been and where I am headed

At my worst, about two years ago, my weight had crept up to around 380-385 in that range. Shortly before my dad's passing, I had down to around 280 before the holidays.
When I got back on the scales in July I was 325ish and was horrified. I knew I had gained some weight back with the stress eating and moping around with the depression. It's amazing how when you are in a depression, you don't really take time to think about all those bad things you are eating. But when you are in that kinda funk, I guess you just don't think about it.
So two years ago, I was at 385, wearing size 50 pants - below the waist that overhung and well over 50% bodyfat.
Today my weight is down to 305 and wearing a size 46 pant (some 44's) and 40% bodyfat. My goal is to be down to 200 lbs a year from now. Loosing roughly two pounds per week. I might hit it sooner, I might hit it later, but I will hit my mark!

Tonights dinner was a healthy eggplant parmesan

I brushed the eggplant lightly with olive oil and seasoned them with a vegetable grill seasoning then cooked them on the flatop until fork tender.
Meanwhile, I sliced up a cup of cherry/grape tomatoes, a light drizzle of olive oil and then ...some basil and oregano.
Lined a baking sheet with foil, placed the eggplant on the sheet, covered each with a bit of spaghetti sauce, then the diced tomatoe and sprinkled with a small amount of four cheese reduced fat italian blend from Sargentto.
Placed that under the broiler until the cheese was golden.

About my weight loss journey and getting healthier

I am setting up this blog as a journal for not only my benefit but for anyone else also interested in weight loss. This is going to be a personal journey as I go forward toward my goal. With that in mind, part of the Transitions Lifestyle system is journaling on a daily basis. In the past I have lost considerable weight, the one thing I did not do on a consistant basis was journal. I think had I kept a journal all along, I may have stuck at it more consistantly. I can not make excuses for my decisions, nor rationalize. It happened, and is in the past, which is neither now or the future. So from this moment on, I can move forward.
So, this blog will be my personal journal. I encourage interaction, questions, prodding, nudging from others to keep me pointed in the right direction. By making myself accountable to those who like this page, I feel it will help keep me on focus.
So, what will you see on this page:
You will see daily posts from me on how my day is going. That will mean on what I am eating, exercising, supplementing as per the guidelines laid out in the Transitions systems.
Progress reports on how my results are proceeding. While I won't be doing my weight everyday, I do plan on checking once a week and posting the weight lost. At a couple of intervals I will also be posting the loss of inches and percent loss of bodyfat.
I also plan on doing a video journal as well as pictures.
And since I would like this page to inspire & encourage others to loose weight, I will discuss what I see as pros and cons if any. Describing what I am doing and how I think it is working.
I really hope to see feedback from all my friends who have selected Like for this page. Feel free to speak up. What I would prefer not to see are people saying "try this (Ornish, Atkins, Weight Watchers etc.) diet". I am using the Transitions lifestyle plan and I plan on sticking to it. However, if people want to discuss differences, pro's and con's of each, that will be fine.
Thank you all for your support.
--Jim M.